Stages of my Career

In 2024, I initiated YARD with the goal to better connect people. YARD indexes and organizes data about events (conferences and meetups) in the financial sector and makes them more accessible to communities.

Previously, I worked as Chief Information Officer at the Web3 company BLOCKSIZE. During this time I managed several business-critical teams and I was especially responsible for product strategy, project management, and generating growth. Before I worked for the same company in the fields of DeFi and node operations after I joined the company at the beginning of 2022.

Additionally, I also work today as an advisor to organizations in Europe and the United States in the fields of web technology. For several years I have also published articles in magazines and blogs, such as in Der Bank Blog and IHK-Magazin (in German language).

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Until the end of December 2021 I used to work for a company in the insurance services sector in Frankfurt as IT allrounder. However, this activity was not limited to the pure programming of given content, but includes a wide range of tasks. These included interaction design, strategic advice, conversion optimization and SEO, project management, provision of web content, management of the AWS cloud services, and the programming of web applications.

Until 2016, I worked for a Burda Digital company for five years in programming, development and conversion optimization of eCommerce systems for Lidl and REWE. Prior to that in 2004, I founded the startup Emporis and built it up as managing director as an international real estate database. I did this with a multi-million euro support of the bank KfW as well as the VC investor Neuhaus Partners and eventually sold the company successfully in 2010. Today Emporis belongs to a group that is listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange. Prior to my work there, I worked as a managing director, programmer and consultant for smaller media agencies. Further along my career, I also worked for an engineering office in the field of network technology, Escom Computer AG, and Dresdner Bank. I began my career by working for a real-estate developer and in property management.

Below is an overview of each company and my responsibilities there:


Event calendar (since November 2024)

In 2024, I initiated YARD with the goal to better connect people. YARD indexes and organizes data about events (conferences and meetups) in the financial sector and makes them more accessible to communities.

Managing Director

Consultancy (since May 2023)

In the summer of 2023, I founded the Gateflow

Chief Information Officer

Blockchain Company (January 2023 until October 2024)

BLOCKSIZE offers institutional investors high-end infrastructure to analyze, trade, and manage digital assets. Customers of the company can understand market opportunities, analyze risk exposure, access aggregated liquidity, and execute trades with the highest precision.

My role as Chief Information Officer included these tasks:

  • leading the company with energy and empathy
  • create digital products in the financial space
  • understand and describe great technical complexity in simple words
  • development, communication, and implementation of the product vision
  • disciplinary management of business-critical teams
  • responsibility for budgets and the management of information technology
  • focus on growth and marketing

One of my goals was to educate about the importance of compliant digital asset market data which institutional users will need under the growing regulatory pressure.

In May 2023 I received procuration at BLOCKSIZE. Procuration authorized me to officially represent BLOCKSIZE in all types of judicial and extrajudicial transactions and legal acts that the operation of the company entails.

Head of DeFi/Node Operations

Blockchain Company (January until December 2022)

At the beginning of 2022 I started a new professional challenge that fitted with my experiences and interests. As Head of Decentralized Finance and Node Operations at BLOCKSIZE, I played an important role in the implementation of digital solutions in the financial sector based on blockchain technology.

In the node operations area, I was responsible for the smooth operation of the blockchain infrastructure in several data centers since I started. With my team, I ensured that smart contracts (and thus especially DEXs) receive reliable market data. BLOCKSIZE is one of the highest quality Chainlink node operators and has a large number of blockchain nodes running for blockchain protocols such as Ethereum and Avalanche.

The DeFi sector and institutional market participants need reliable market data for the use of blockchains and cryptocurrencies. Therefore, in cooperation with numerous colleagues at BLOCKSIZE, I created a new product in summer 2022 that provides institutional users with price data: BLOCKSIZE CONNECT. The product provides real-time trading and historical data on hundreds of liquid and illiquid assets for commercial purposes.

Community Builder

Finance Community (since beginning of 2022)

In the spring of 2022, I launched a Frankfurt blockchain meetup together with three other enthusiasts. Especially with the waning of the corona pandemic, I wanted to set an example and thus boost networking again. And with great success: In 2022, four of these blockchain events took place with hundreds of participants. In 2025, the event series became part of Finance Loop. Finance Loop is based on my idea and is a new ecosystem that combines the topics of finance, emerging technologies, and regulatory compliance. Today, this on-chain finance ecosystem has more than 1,000 people connected to it.

IT Allrounder

InsurTech Enterprise (2016 until December 2021)

Project manager and web developer at Policen Direkt, market leader in the secondary market for life insurance in Germany. Here, conception and realization of various web portals of the group on the subject of insurance, including conversion optimization as well as the technical provision via AWS cloud at the AWS regions Frankfurt and London. Implementation of a portal for contract management (programming of front end, conception of interfaces, and connection to an existing CRM system). Use of agile instruments like Scrum and Jira. Coordination of work between marketing, management, product development, and external partners as well as managing more than 100 top level domains. Ambassador of corporate values for the company since 2019.

Initiator and Author

Information Portal (since 2017)

I love Frankfurt and its skyscrapers! Creation of the information portal SKYLINE ATLAS to provide the Frankfurt skyline a home online. Author of numerous articles about the real estate industry, such as high-rise buildings, data centers, and the housing market. Conducting interviews with decision-makers from the real estate industry and politics. SKYLINE ATLAS today has many contributors and more than 1m readers per year. Since summer 2021, Dean Vukovic has been taking care of the further expansion.

e-Commerce Expert

Large Media Enterprise (2011 until 2016)

Project lead and hands-on development of online shops as well as conversion optimization at Valentins (100% owned by Burda Digital at the time). Development of frontends and backends of at least five ecommerce websites including well-known brands such as Lidl and REWE having millions of transactions. Improvements of conversion rates and self dependent implementation of different IT projects.

Web Developer and Founder

VC-financed startup (2004 until 2010)

Founding and building of the information provider Emporis in Germany. Expansion of the own position as global market leader for information on major construction projects. Attraction of a multi-million venture capital funding by KfW Bankengruppe and Neuhaus Partners. Roles: developer, managing director, chief technology officer, and chief innovation officer. Later sale of the company (exit 2010).

Head of Media Agency

Advertising Agency (1997)

Founding and building of the media agency Starconcept in Germany. Realization of web sites, print projects, and applications on CD-ROM. Design and execution of exhibitions, books and print publications, and media services for companies.

IT Freelancer

Design Agency (1998 until 2003)

Conception, graphics design, and programming of websites. Project realization for well-know banks and involvement in the creation of annual reports.

IT Consultant

IT Support Company (1996)

Conception and programming of webpages and databases. Service duties for banks for HP/Sun/Oracle solutions.


Due Diligences
Over a period of 10 years, I was involved in multiple due diligences (both for the buyer’s side and the seller’s side). Here, I was responsible for examining and preparing documents describing the quality of IT systems, the state of teams, and the health of products.
Drafting Contracts
Over a period of more than 15 years, I was creating and/or reviewing a wide set of legal documents which had to do with business development and IT-related issues. Among them were contracts, licensing agreements, and terms of use.
Team Management
I am experienced in dealing with people from a wide set of cultures. I am used to work together in team, and I have management capabilities in terms of leading teams and providing guidance.

Publications and Interviews

Several publications and interviews in newspapers and on TV, publication of a real estate pocket book in bestseller run. Additionally, I am the initiator of the SKYLINE ATLAS portal and used to be their editor-in-chief until January 2024.

Board Membership

Thanks to my extensive experiences I am helping the management of several organizations in the field of web technology in Europe and the United States as being part of their advisory boards.

Higher Education

I attended the FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economy & Management in Essen. I received a technical diploma in machine building and english.


Tags: blockchain, Burda Digital, Chief Growth Officer, Chief Growth Officer Frankfurt, Chief Information Officer, CIO Frankfurt, DEA, DeFi Frankfurt, DeFi Team Leader, Der Bank Blog, Digital Euro Association, Emporis, Finance Loop, fintech, FinTech Startup, Frankfurt Blockchain, Frankfurt Chief Growth Officer, Frankfurt CIO, Frankfurt DeFi, Frankfurt Head of DeFi, Frankfurt life insurance, Head of Decentralized Finance, Head of Decentralized Finance and Node Operations, Head of DeFi, Head of DeFi Frankfurt, Head of DeFi New York City, Head of DeFi NYC, Head of DeFi Singapore, Head of Node Operations, IHK, InsurTech, InsurTech Startup, KfW, KfW Frankfurt, life insurance German, Life Insurances, Life Insurances Broker, Policen Direkt, Starconcept, Team Leader DeFi, Valentins, VC Frankfurt, venture capital, venture capital Frankfurt, YARD

Michael Wutzke